Research Interests
- Human resource development in Southeast Asia and the Pacific
- Adult development
- Organizational Development and Change (ODC) in community-based organizations
- Workforce development
- Global mindset
- Coastal Community Resilience and Coastal Preservation
- Indigenous Human Resource Development
Selected Publications
Crocco, O. S., Hajjami, O., & Hager, B. (2024). Indigenous entrepreneurship in Myanmar:
The role of community-based enterprises in sustainable human development. In E. L.
Eijdenberg, K. Thirumaran, P. Wang, & C. Wong (Eds.), Indigenous entrepreneurship in Southeast Asia: Theoretical and practical implications (pp. 203–224).Palgrave Macmillan.
Al-Asfour, A., Crocco, O. S., & Shield S. W. (2024). Leading tribal colleges and universities:
Perspectives on the skills and experiences needed to lead Indigenous higher education.
Higher Education Quarterly.
Aroonsri, P., & Crocco, O. S. (2024). Workplace learning and information exchange
among gig workers: Crowdsourcing and the social media advantage. Journal of Workplace Learning 36(1), 77–95.
Cseh, M., Crocco, O. S., & *Hinshaw, J. (2023). Reconceptualizing human capital theory:
Working and relating on the global stage. In J. C. Collins & J. L. Callahan (Eds.),
The Palgrave handbook of critical human resource development (pp. 187-199). Palgrave Macmillan.
Danquah, J. K., Crocco, O. S., *Mahmud, Q. M., *Rehan, M., & *Rizvi, L. J. (2023).
Connecting concepts: Bridging the gap between capacity development and human resource
development. Human Resource Development International, 26(3), 246–263.
Thomas, N. J., Baral, R., Crocco, O. S., *Mohanan, S. (2023). A framework for gamification
in the metaverse era: How designers envision gameful experience. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 193, Article 122544.
Crocco, O. S., & Tkachenko, O. (2022). Regional human resource development: The case
of Southeast Asia and ASEAN. Human Resource Development International, 25(1), 40–58.
Crocco, O. S., & Somwung Pitiyanuwat. (2022). Higher education in Thailand. In L.
P. Symaco & M. Hayden (Eds.), International Handbook on Education in South East Asia. Springer.
Crocco, O. S., & Grenier, R. S. (2021). Not all those who wander are lost: Critically
reflective research for a new HRD landscape. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 23(1), 55–65.
Crocco, O. S. (2021). Developing human resources in Southeast Asia: A holistic framework for the ASEAN Community. Palgrave Macmillan.
Selected Conference Presentations
Crocco, O. S., & Aroonsri, P. (2024, June 12–14). Supporting coastal community Resilience
through leadership development and training in Thailand. The 23rd International Conference
on Human Resource Development and Practice across Europe, Lisbon, Portugal.
Crocco, O. S., & Kwon, C.-K. (2024, February 22–24). Disability and international
human resource development: The role of regulative, normative, and cultural-cognitive
elements. Academy of Human Resource Development 31st International Research Conference
in the Americas, Arlington, VA, United States.
Crocco, O. S., Cseh, M., Dirani, K., Rose, K., & Johnson-Bailey, J. (2024). Short-term
learning experiences abroad: A panel on innovative models of HRD. Academy of Human
Resource Development 31st International Research Conference in the Americas, Arlington,
VA, United States.
Crocco, O. S., & *Rockett, A. (2023, June 7–9). Challenges on all sides: A qualitative
study of leaders of training and education organisations in post-coup Myanmar. The
22nd International Conference on Human Resource Development and Practice across Europe,
Dublin, Ireland.
Crocco, O. S., & Cseh, M. (2023, June 7–9). Creating a connected world: Fostering
curiosity and global mindset in short-term experiences abroad. The 22nd International
Conference on Human Resource Development and Practice across Europe, Dublin, Ireland.
Hajjami, O., Crocco, O. S., & Blanchard, L. D. (2023, June 7–9). Model of effective
leadership competencies for managers in Morocco: An exploratory factor analysis. The
22nd International Conference on Human Resource Development and Practice across Europe,
Dublin, Ireland.
Hager, B., & Crocco, O. S. (2023, April 26). Living beyond loss: An analysis of social
media posts of women returning to work after losing their spouse. [Poster presentation].
Louisiana State University Graduate Research Conference, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United
States [presented in absentia].
Kuchinke, K. P., Cho, Y., Crocco, O. S., Cseh, M., Han, H., & McLean, G. N. (2023,
March 1–4). Indigenous research in HRD: A panel presentation. Academy of Human Resource
Development 30th International Research Conference in the Americas, Minneapolis, MN,
United States.
Crocco, O. S., Aroonsri, P., & Isna, N. (2023, March 1–4). Communicating a vision
for human resource development in Southeast Asia: A thematic analysis of the speeches
of ASEAN Secretaries-General (2008-2022). Academy of Human Resource Development 30th
International Research Conference in the Americas, Minneapolis, MN, United States.