Research Interests
- Industrial and organizational psychology
- Work stress and health, leadership and emotion
- Interpersonal emotion management
- Work motivation
- Cyber-aggression
- Workplace neuro-diversity
Selected Publications
Matey, N., Sleiman, A., Nastasi, J., Richard, E. M., & Gravina, N. (2021). Varying
Reactions to Feedback and their Effects on Observer Accuracy and Attrition. Journal
of Applied Behavior Analysis, 54(3),1188-1198.
Richard, E. M. (2020). Promoting employee resilience: The role of leader-facilitated
emotion management. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 22(4)*, Special Issue
on Resilience and HRD (J. Mendy & M. Bal, Issue Eds.) Issue awarded the 2020 Best
Issue Award from the ADHR editorial board.
Richard, E. M., Young, S. F., Fischer, J. J., & Giumetti, G. W. (2020). Unique effects
of cyberaggression on victims’ counterproductive work behavior via rumination and
negative emotion. Occupational Health Science, 4, 161-190.
Richard, E.M. Fischer, J. J., & Zhou, Z. E. (2019). Cyberbullying in the Workplace:
Cross-cultural Issues. In G. Giumetti and R. Kowalski (Eds.), Cyberbullying in Schools,
Workplaces, and Romantic Relationships: The Many Lenses and Perspectives of Electronic
Measurement. Routledge/Taylor Francis.
Richard, E. M. (2019). Summarizing the summaries: What meta-analyses tell us about
work engagement (pp. 855-860). In Reed, S. M. (Ed.), PHR and SPHR Professional in
Human Resource Certification Complete Study Guide: 2018 Exams (5th edition). Indianapolis,
IN: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Richard, E. M., Wright, N., Thomas, S., Wiggins, A., DuVernet, A., Parker, B., & Davison,
K. (2018). Revisiting the 2016 SIOP Income and Employment Survey: Gender Pay Gap.
The Industrial and Organizational Psychologist, 55(3).
Young, S., Richard, E. M., Moukarzel, R., Steelman, L., & Gentry, W. (2017). How empathic
concern helps leaders in providing negative feedback: A two-study examination. Journal
of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 90(4), 535-558.
Diefendorff, J. M., Richard, E. M., Dinh, P. V. & LeNoble, C. (2017). Action-state
orientation at work: Dynamic effects in organizational contexts. In N. Baumann,
M. Kazén, M. Quirin & S. Koole (Eds.), Why people do the things they do: Building
on Julius Kuhl’s contributions to the psychology of motivation and volition. Göttingen:
Kaloydis, F. M., & Richard, E. M. (2017). Sharing political and religious information
on Facebook: Coworker reactions. Journal of Social Media in Society, 6.
Richard, E. M., Phillips, C., & Alzaidalsharief, R. (2016). Supervisor empathy moderates
the negative effects of customer injustice. In N. M. Ashkanasy, W. J. Zerbe, & C.
E. J. Hartel (Eds.), Research on Emotion in Organizations (Vol. 12). Emerald Group
Publishing Limited.
Richard, E. M., & Converse, P. (2016). An examination of within-person variance in
contextual display rules and deviation from display rules. European Journal of Work
and Organizational Psychology, 25(3), 412-429.
Richard, E. M., & McFadden, M. (2016). Saving face: reactions to cultural norm violations
in business request emails. Journal of Business and Psychology, 31(2), 307-321.
Selected Presentations
Richard, E. M. (February, 2020). Developing leaders’ interpersonal emotion regulation:
The role of reflective journaling. Poster presented at the 2020 AHRD International
Research Conference in the Americas, Atlanta, GA.
Richard, E. M., Walsh, J. J., Giumetti, G., & Young, S. F. (April, 2019). Cyberaggression:
Unique effects on rumination, emotion, and counterproductive work behavior. In K.
N. Miner, & J. M. Walker (Co-Chairs), Advancing the Literature on Workplace Mistreatment:
Why They Do It and Why It Hurts. Symposium conducted at the 34th Annual Society for
Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, National Harbor, MD.
Richard, E. M. (April, 2018). Undergraduate concentration in I/O Psychology: Curriculum
and internships. In K. A. Fletcher, A. J. Hoffman, V. P. Mattingly, E. M. Richard,
D. B. Shore, & J. M. Sprung, I-O In-Reach: Increasing Awareness of I-O for Undergraduates
at Our Own Universities. Alternative session type with presenters conducted at the
33rd Annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Chicago,
Bupp, C. P., Richard, E. M., & Vola, V. (April, 2018). Affective events and emotional
labor in a computer-mediated environment. In E. M. Richard & C. P. Bupp (Chairs),
Coping with Challenging Service Encounters. Symposium conducted at the 33rd Annual
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
Dieguez, T. A., & Richard, E. M. (April, 2018). Emotional display rule conflict: When
personal and organizational expectations differ. In D. P. Magill & J. M. Diefendorff
(Chairs), The Influence of Contextual Factors on Emotional Labor Processes. Symposium
conducted at the 33rd Annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
LeNoble, C., & Richard, E. M. (April, 2017). Cleaning up spilled moods: Affective
spillover mechanisms and buffers. In Ford (Chair), New within-person perspectives
on affect across work and home. Symposium conducted at the 32nd Society for Industrial
and Organizational Psychology Conference, Orlando, Florida.
Young, S., Richard, E.M., Steelman, L.A., Moukarzel, R., & Gentry, W. (April, 2017).
How empathetic concern helps leaders in providing negative feedback. In O’Malley &
Young (Chairs), Science-practice exchange: Using positive psychology to enhance negative
feedback interventions. Alternative session conducted at the 32nd Society for Industrial
and Organizational Psychology Conference, Orlando, Florida.
Fischer, J., & Richard, E. M. (December, 2016). Leader emotion management: Culture
and gender differences. Presentation at the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute
Collaborative Series, Patrick Air Force Base, Florida.
Bupp, C. P., & Richard, E. M. (April, 2016). Displays of anger: Perceived deviance
and bystander reporting. In Bowling & Raver (Chairs), I saw what you did! Bystander
responses to workplace deviance. Symposium conducted at the 31st Society for Industrial
and Organizational Psychology Conference, Anaheim, California.
Liu, W., Richard, E. M., & Skiba, T. (April, 2016). Engagement in high potential leaders
across 40 countries. In Zhou (Chair), The intersection of leadership development and
social contexts. Symposium conducted at the 31st Society for Industrial and Organizational
Psychology Conference, Anaheim, California.
Kaloydis, F., & Richard, E. M. (April, 2016). Sharing political and religious information
on Facebook: Coworker reactions. Poster presented at the 31st Society for Industrial
and Organizational Psychology Conference, Anaheim, California.