Rose Baker
Associate Professor of Equine Medicine
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
LSU School of Veterinary Medicine
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Joined LSU Vet Med Faculty September 21, 2017
In the News
MS, Oregon State University, 2017
BVMS, University of Glasgow, 2012
BA, Johns Hopkins University, 2005
Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (Large Animal Internal Medicine)
Research Interest
Clinical applications of lactate measurements
Veterinary education
Large animal critical care and pain management
Teaching Interest
Clinical skills
Neonatal medicine and critical care
Large Animal neurology
Clinical Interest
Equine critical care
Equine neurology
Equine neonatology
Awards & Honors
2021, Dean's Teacher Merit Honor Roll
2020, Dean's Teacher Merit Honor Roll
2020, Innovation in Teaching Award
2019, Dean's Teacher Merit Honor Roll
Patton ME, Leise BS, Baker RE, Andrews FM. The effects of bit chewing on borborygmi, duodenal motility, and gastrointestinal transit time in clinically normal horses. Veterinary Surgery. 2021;1-9. doi:10.1111/vsu.13745. PMID: 34775623 Pubmed Link:
Alling CR, Liu C-C, Langohr IM, Haque M, Carter RT, Baker RE, Lewin AC. Assessment of Cidofovir for Treatment of Ocular Bovine Herpesvirus-1 Infection in Cattle Using an Ex-Vivo Model. Viruses. 2021; 13(10):2102. PMID: 34696532 PMCID: PMC8540818 DOI: 10.3390/v13102102 Pubmed Link:
Assessment of Cidofovir for Treatment of Ocular Bovine Herpesvirus-1 Infection in Cattle Using an Ex-Vivo Model, Alling, Christopher; Liu, Chin-Chi; Langohr, Ingeborg; Haque, Muzammel; Carter, Renee; Baker, Rose; Lewin, Andrew, 2021, Viruses , Volume: 13, Number: 10, Pages: 2102
In-Hospital Development of an Aorto-cardiac Fistula in a Warmblood Gelding with Chronic Renal Disease, Baker, Rose; Schlipf, John; Scollan, Katherine; LeBlanc, Nicole; Russell, Duncan , 2021, Equine Veterinary Education , Volume: 33, Number: 4, Pages: 6
Development of and validity evidence for a canine ocular model for training novice veterinary students to perform a fundic examination, Banse, Heidi; McMillan, Chantal; Warren, Amy; Hecker, Kent; Skorobohach, Brian; Carter, Renee; Lewin, Andrew; Kondro, Doug; Ungrin, Mark; Dorosz, Sam; Baker, Rose; Dehghanpir, Shannon; Grandt, Beth; Hale, Lorrie; Anderson, Sarah, 2021, Journal of Veterinary Medical Education
Klossiella equi infection in a Cheval Canadien Mare, Baker, Rose; Schlipf, Jr., John; Jacqueline, Brady; M., Gorman, 2018, Veterinary Clinical Pathology , Pages: 6
Goniometric evaluation of standing extension and maximum flexion joint angles of llamas and alpacas, Walters, Amy; Semevolos, Stacy; Baker, Rose, 2016, American Journal of Veterinary Research , Volume: 77, Number: 9, Pages: 1000-1004
Ex vivo modeling of bovine herpesvirus-1 keratitis and cidofovir antiviral treatment, Alling, Christopher; Liu, Chin-Chi ; Langohr, Ingeborg; Haque, Muzammel; Carter, Renee; Baker, Rose; Lewin, Andrew, 2021
Validation of a canine ocular simulator for use in fundic examination, Banse, Heidi; McMillan, Chantal ; Anderson, Sarah; Hecker, Kent ; Skorobohach, Brian; Carter, Renee; Lewin, Andrew; Baker, Rose; Dehghanpir, Shannon; Hale, Lorrie; Grandt, Beth; Kondro, Doug; Dorosz, Sam; Ungrin, Mark; Warren, Amy, 2019
Comparison of Cephalic to Jugular Venous Blood Gas Analysis in Clinically Ill Horses, Baker, Rose; Cebra, Chris; Kitada, Heather; Schlipf, Jr., John, 2018
Grant Funding
How does distribution of clinical skills instruction impact learner cognitive load and skill retention? , LSU SVM Education Research Fund, $4,800.00
Is “one session, one skill” always better? The impact of number of skills taught per clinical skills laboratory session on learner cognitive load and skill retention. , Southeast Veterinary Education Consortium, $2,480.00
In-vitro assessment of antivirals for use against Bovine herpesvirus-related ocular
disease, USDA, $7,500.00
Measuring the Level of Agreement between a PCR, Standard Saline Agglutination, and
EldonCard methods for blood typing of pet pigs, CORP Grant, $4,000.00