
LSU researchers drive innovation in agricultural practices and develop new crop varieties while protecting the environment and making the most of our natural resources.

Paul South with test plants in the field

Feeding Our Future Planet

Photosynthesis is the main driver of all life on our planet, but it can be a glitchy process. That’s why LSU scientist James Moroney and colleague Paul South are working on re-engineering it.

Louisiana parish map

Mapping Louisiana’s Nutritional Values

Through research and development and hands-on LSU AgCenter extension services and support for farmers in every parish, the LSU system supports vital crops, local industries, and heritage foods across the state of Louisiana.

Bagging sweet potatoes

Leading in Crop Variety Development

LSU AgCenter is helping to feed Louisiana and the world by developing crop varieties that are highly sought-after, not only here at home, but across the globe.

Oyster researchers

Protecting the Sensitive Oyster

LSU researchers are helping to protect what some call “the canary in the ocean” since it often is the first victim of environmental change—the luscious and delicate oyster.

Binary cow

Bringing Big Data to Farms

Tensas Parish farmer Mead Hardwick and his family work in close collaboration with LSU to optimize yields and fertilization management, while lessening their footprint on the environment.


Helping Bees and Beekeepers

Bee populations have been in sharp decline in recent years and honey now ranks third in global food fraud. LSU researchers are working to protect both pollinators and beekeepers.

Harvey and Henry Prejean, 4-H members in Allen Parish

LSU AgCenter Brings Virtual Recess and Summer Camps into Homes and Backyards in Response to COVID-19

As COVID-19 closed schools and summer camps, the LSU AgCenter Louisiana 4-H Youth and Development program had to quickly adapt to connect with kids in their current schoolhouses—their homes.